Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Holidays From Our Family To Yours!


We hope this newsletter finds you all doing well. Our family has been fortunate this year and we are all in good health and don’t have much to complain about.
As usual life is always busy and keeps us all hopping.

Brennan is now 2 going on 12. He thinks he is just one of the boys now and is becoming more mature and independent every day. He is such a character and provides plenty of entertainment on a daily basis. We went to Yellowstone National Park in Sept. and Brennan decided he is destined to become a “Mountain Man”. It has been months now and we still hear about “bears” and “mountains” and “four wheeler ride” multiple times every day. We have decided that if Brennan has those three things in his life he will never want for anything. To give you an idea of how obsessed he is . . . When we went down to Holden, UT for Thanksgiving we went up in the mountains to cut down our Christmas tree for the season. Brennan calls it a “Bear” tree instead of a Christmas Tree. He is such a fun little guy to be around though.

Natalie, on the other hand isn’t the outdoor guru that Brenan and Nathan are. Her favorite part of the Yellowstone vacation was the hotel we stayed at on the way up to Yellowstone. It had an indoor swimming pool and she had a blast. She wants to be a mom so bad and doesn’t have a problem telling you exactly how she feels. She is 100% girl and has such a fun personality.

Nathan loves the outdoors as much as Brennan but is not quite as obsessed with “Bears”. He loves to camp, hunt and his favorite thing in the world is to hike. He always wants to see what is around the corner and has such an adventurous attitude. He loves to ski and is looking forward to going again this year.

Julie keeps plenty busy getting the Kids to school every day and obtains plenty of exercise chasing Brennan around and keeping up with Nathans projects and experiments. She enjoys finding new recipes on the internet and has become quite the “Betty Crocker”. Everyone would choose her home cooked meals to going out any day; unless “McDonalds” is mentioned. All of our kids are in love with that place.

Jared is still working as a salesman for Vita-Mix and really enjoys interacting with people in sales. He has too many hobbies and never enough time. He is doing some cabinet jobs in his spare time and has started doing more photography as well. He always has to be busy doing something or else he goes crazy. He has a hard time sitting still for too long.

We are happy to report that life is good and despite the ups and downs that may come our way the ups far outnumber the downs. Every year we look at our lives and count ourselves extremely fortunate with the life that God has given us, the children that He has entrusted to us, the knowledge of our Savior, and the friendships that we share with each of you! If you ever find yourselves out this way, please stop by and keep in touch; we love to hear from you. May this next year be blessed for all of us and we hope you each have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season!


Norris Fam said...

That picture is hilarious...is it for real :)

Jared said...

It is 50% real. I took the picture of them in the sled and coats etc. on the living room floor and then it was photoshop from there. They did pretty good at acting like they were going down a steep hill though don't you think?