We stopped and checked out the town of "Fruita's" little one room school house and it wasn't more than a few seconds and Natalie was playing school and role playing some story. She loves that kind of thing. Reading the rules in the rule book from back then really made me think either they were abused and deprived or our kids are spoiled and have to much. I think the proper balance is most likely somewhere in the middle. It was interesting to read the rules they had to abide by and the accompanying punishments for breaking the rules (5 lashings for playing cards at school);(10 lashing for girls or boys playing together); (2 lashings for coming to school with dirty fingernails) etc. etc. Male teachers could have one night a week for "courting" purposes and could take two nights a week for courting purposes if they attended church regularly. Interesting to see how they lived back then.
Nathan's favorite part last time we came was going to Goblin Valley so we made the trip there again as well. It is a kids dream playground! We all had a great time.
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